Shite tho!
I've watched a few games and they have all been shite.
"what about brazil v Egypt?" ..aye? what about it? that was shite tae! pure sweaty canny be arsed not interested football.
What is the story with the constant drone that sounds as if there is a giant wasp in the stadium attacking the fans? Obviously full of South Africans with some sort of noise making device they are swinging about for the WHOLE FUCKING GAME! I had to watch the second half of Italy v America with the sound down, Italy are pish by the way.
Fact of the day; Denmark won the bastard in 1995....shite!
Imagine the Giant wasp, and my transformer helicopter had a fight! Who would win?
I cant get my head round that!, This World cup is gonna be a pure downer with that fucking noise going on constantly!
There will need to be measures taken!!...No africans allowed?? they are used to that surly!
No africans are gonnae be able to afford it anyway.
After what I saw in Seth Efreeka I am genuiely worried about the world cup.
Hell mend them as my ma says.
There y'are son.
Auld Sepp agrees with you.
good man sepp...
Looking at the picture really annoys me!
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