They're fucking everywhere!
I walk to work in any weather, its about 2 miles (straight road mind you) but the amount of fucking cyclists on the road/pavement the last few mornings in the sunshine was unbelievable! they all dress in the same uniformed cycling attire.
Yer helmet.....obviously
Yer plain khaki t-shirt.
Yer bench/H&M combat shorts(that everyone drags out in the nice weather)
Yer thin trainies in a running trainie type fash.
Yer bag with work gear in it.
yer Halfords bike you got as a present cause you had been talking about "starting cycling again" even tho the last one you had was a BMX.
I'm all for fitness, but these are the half assed sunshine muppets!
You get yer all year round, wearing all the proper gear, this is part of my life style, i stay on the road and not the pavement dudes and fair play to them!
but these wankers that do it just to say "yeah take the bike into work most days to do my bit and keep in shape" bragging about this whilst the're standing with a pint in their hand at the weekend, bike well and truly ditched for the duration.
Any sign of wind or cloud its out with the car keys or bus fayre! and as soon as the first leave falls its in the loft with the bastard.
I dont know what it is, the guys that play football for a short spell just to say(in the pub again) "yeah got football during the week" an illusion of fitness and a lifestyle that they cant maintain.
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