Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Depression Session

November after work for some £1.00 a bottle of Miller madness!

They do this on a Tuesday now! Driftwood on Sauchiehall Street do 89p for a bottle of Fosters Monday to Thursday but bump it up to a budget busting £1.50 during the weekend.

The Bold Nicos on the same street do £1.50 any drink any time but its a bit of a weird hole that you never feel easy or relaxed in!

I will endeavour to find out the cheapest boozers/best craic in the toon during the week and obviously document the whole thing!

Darth has a similar thing "Bar Wars" over on his blog but legally i dont think he has a leg to stand on if he starts his infringement patter!


Gav said...

Plenty read this thing wee man, its just the followers that are a bit skimpy....."if you build it they will come"

...besides folk have the right to know

Darth Carlsberg said...

infringement patter?
on the contrary, I think we could combine the two and forge a strong food and drink partnership.
Give the people what they want...
the truth so they can make their own choices.
go'n yersel fella.

Gav said...

Cheers DC, Ive just heard the goose (i know) do a glass of wine for 99p...thats smashed for £5 if you handle wine like i do!

my friends at the council licensing dept are keeping me informed of the rare deals....more will follow!

Darth Carlsberg said...

The 99p glass of wine is my idea of bliss. Im giving that bash tomorrow now that im an layabout oaf.
apparently stereo does an "all drinks a pound" night.
You give them a pound,
They give you a drink!

I dont even know where it is just heard it through the underground network of cheap drinkers I associate with.

That sounds like your cup of tea tho eh? If teas yer thing.

Gav said...

Its in Ashton lane mate, right down the far end, cracking wee bar maid! was in there a couple of weeks ago...cup final day in fact! they don't care about football up there so it suited me just fine!

Darth Carlsberg said...

I took you up on yer to good to be true 99p glass of wine offer son.
I cycled all the way in to tha Goose today after my visit to the jobby centre (eeeeeeeew! Minging place.)
The Goose is definitely in my top 10 of "worst bars in the city centre" racing up the charts thanks to the mad bastards that spoke to me when I was in there. The wine itself wasn't the worst for 99p but I did have to have 2 in order for it to even make a dent.
In summary - As I know only too well, not all special offers are special but this one just gets away withit and no more.
However, that pub needs a beer garden / smoking area more than any bar in the world.