Sunday, 21 June 2009

Jehovah in a Rover

I seen God going for a ride in a purple convertable!

The things you see in Kellys! thought Sunday was a day of rest?

(click picture to see him in all his glory)


Darth Carlsberg said...

The lord does move in mysterious ways right enough.

Gav said...

No one is beating Jehovah in a Rover, I was so proud when i thought of it!

Ban Eyliner said...
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Ban Eyliner said...

I like the way the car behind it kinda looks like the roof of jesus' car.

I think I need better glasses, everytime I need to do word verification I type it wrong.

Gav said...

what car did jesus drive?

Darth Carlsberg said...

He drove a Chrystler.
A Jesus Chrysler.

I'll get ma coat.

Also, why do you have that word verification ban eyeliner refers too?
Its an absolute pain in the arse!
Im trying to post a comment not send money.

Gav said...

I didn't know that was on it.... I'll need to get it sorted!

don't put yourself down on the joke, was a good en...