Friday, 19 June 2009

Shine On you Crazy Gobshite

I managed to drink 4 pints at lunch time and i'm fucked!

I landed back up to my desk with a serious shine on me, the worst part being that everybody knows i'm half scooped! Thank god i'm just in the office this afternoon.

Not only does it make the rest of my afternoon a write off, ive been trying to act like am not half drunk thus making the situation worse.

Sitting here laughing to myself at funny things i think of, having to piss every 2 mins being loud and over confident, and the worst part is i'm now choking for another pint!

Awe wit man!

1 comment:

0hgosh said...

I love days like that at the office !!!

once some old burd at my work got total steaming, fell asleep in the bogs and got caught and removed then staggered about the building hahahahah..