Does anyone else think this cunt isnt deid?
All the shite about being £300m in debt, all the loans he was trying to get under mad crazy fucked up names, wolves at the door, embarking on a mental 200 date tour at 50 fucking years old!
Then he cops it. Drops dead with tales of drugs and malnutrition, lauded as one of the truly great artists of all time, pure overkill.
He or his estate stands to make a fortune, £500m or something, paying off all the debts amassed by buying lama food and nappy's for monkeys or whatever the fuck he spent it on.
Fucked up. just fucked up! The kind of guy that would like to see his own funeral and all the shite that has so far went with it!
No havin' it!
....Beezer of a pic tho of him and La Toya!
He is shacked up with Elvis and Tupac in a B&B up in atlatis eating Unicorn burgers.
Like one of those paintings with Elvis working in a dinner serving James Dean and Marilyn Monroe
And in this painting, Is Michael Jackson in the Corner molesting a child?
Naw, he's looking at a man in the mirror..
I had ma doubts at first too fella but see noo,...
Ah think he's deid!
Infact, I think he fucking died ages ago and weve been watching some big skinny white freak look-a-like staging this comeback tour to start the money rollin' in to start servicing his child molestation related debt.
They should do adverts for that! fronted by Carol Vorderman or that lassie fae Taggart..
.."Dou you suffer from child molestation related debt? well worry no more"
I hear child molestation cost's a fortune, First you need to buy a monkey, then you need to feed the monkey and the vet bills, then all the sweets, Then you need to pay for the building and maintenance of your theme park in your back garden, Then you've got to give each victim $13 million to keep them quiet, Aye I defo think you will be seeing those ads on dave soon.
Watching some of that fucking car crash yesterday got me thinking.I wonder if all the "celebs" who were in such a dirty rush to pay tribute to "The Jonathan King Of Pop" would have been in such a dirty rush to let their kids stay with him at Neverland a few years back
Do yo think when Gary Glitter pops it he's gonna be remembered for Rock and Roll part 2?
Most of that last night was used as a platform for black civil rights issues, Ironic that the guy hated being black and bleached himself!.. Martin Luther King's son was funny, yer like..what?
Up next the sone of the guy who played Huggy Bear!
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