I had to take a pic of this bad boy, but the lads in the car noticed and took exception to it! just after it was taken one of them got out and started shouting it was a criminal offence to take a picture of a police officer, obviously raging at everyone laughing.. not only at his mode of transportation but the fact I was taking a picture of it!
I just replied it was criminal that they were being made to drive around in that thing!
Wit a pipe!
hahaha belter
the dudes in the car must have got the short straw! they looked like hale and pace!
Should have started shouting back ATTICA! ATTICA!
Be funny the day you see a team of wee neds running up the road carring wan!
Fucking magic!!
I'd love to see a red smart car with the same racing stripe as Starsky & Hutch's Ford Torino.
...and have two big fat greasy glaswegian guys in it, one with black curly hair and a thick patterned cardigan and the other with blonde hair and a hawaiian shirt.
Sounds like me and you on a night oot Monk!
Its called style man!
Its called being a homosexual.
lol wits up wae cardigans,there shit hot.
Aye they are awsome if your gay or think your Kurt Cobain.
completes an outfit nicely in my eyes.
Mon the cardies!
I could outrun that on my bike.
Darth your keeping a low profile this weather!
anyone would like you have a life and a family!...how dare you!
check out this lot. I saw one the other day.
Think I want them to teach Ross.
World Dwarf Games are on in Belfast..
The only place you could use that vehicle and the standard polis repsonse..
"Right son, get in the back"
Im actually busy this week fella!
Ive been shooting videos for the councils social work department.
I cant begin to explain the horrors Ive seen.
Trust me its better this way.
Pmackc Says...
check out this lot. I saw one the other day
Thats brilliant! carboard boxes randomly placed along the route!
Starsky and Clutch! Brilliant!
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