Today was probably the most unproductive Ive had in the 5 years Ive worked for my current company, Stuck in the office at the moment.
I spent the whole day on the net, generally fucking about doing nothing, going for the odd wonder and talking shite to anyone who would listen.
Internet Roll Call:
log in to this blogging craic, check my page scroll down to see if there are any new comments.
Check other people's blogs to see if there are any new posts, check the comments and previous posts for any new comments.
Check the Daily Record for any news on the Scottish football, pure shite paper but we don't have much.
Check the BBC sport site even tho the Scottish football only gets updated every few days!
Check the news sites for any funny stories or stories close to home.
Evening Times around lunch time, Tosh McKinley is a twit that looks like a Junkie, big DJ is a big wank and Peter Martin is the kiss of death that writes a narrative like a Jeffery Archer novel.
Rest of the afternoon is spent fucking about on various fanzine sites or getting a wikipedia on the go about something I read or has caught my interest.
...pure shite day.
You want to hear my day! Do you? Woke up by alarm at 8.45am, Decided I was still tired so hit the snooze and set the alarm for 9.30. What seemed like seconds It was time to get up. Got up, read the papers, logged on to see if there was anything waiting for me in my inbox...There wasnt. Had some toast and cheese. Approved some art work for my minibus. read and sent some e-mails, Had my dinner and now am sitting bored oot my nut.
The way the day has started it looks like am gonna be doing the same too....
I was so bad yesterday, I actually read the old posts on your blog month by month for about 45 mins...
that is bad.
you can actually find out alot about a complete stranger through this shite, their real name their address, where they work,what they do..etc bit scary..
Yet another boring day! Same as yesterday, sit here write e-mails wait for replys, get reply's then just sit here waiting, Waiting for what? Nothing am not waiting for anything, am just sitting here thinking am waiting on something to realise am not waiting on anything and what am actually doing is waisting time till I die.
at least youve reigned in the wankin...
Am down to 12 times a day now.
How do ya shower a lazy bastards.
I'd just like to welcome myself to Gav's bog......eh.....blog!!
As there is already a "Mick" here, I just had to use my middle name as my username.
I think I need to copyright my patter too!!!
Anyway I chatted that much at work today my hands are now fucked!
looks like we got a live one here...
ohh where did you get that google thing? i want it !
ahh the pic
fill yer boots
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