Friday, 14 August 2009

Klatty Fuckin Cunts!

There is one of these feckin places beside me and it must be the worst one in the world! I keep telling myself I'm not going back but am partial to one now and again and its across the road!

Every time I go in, they don't have any chicken? Wat?, have the most off putting staff I have ever seen and seem to attract scum bags and junkies to the point where once I have procured my tower burger I'm not remotely hungry anymore!

The south side KFC Sucks! This time its final....Never again!


Mick Forever said...

Worst KFC ever!

Gav said...

I agree. Thats me done!

Darth Carlsberg said...

Yeah Ive had the we,ve got no chicken line too.
Whats that all about?

You cannae bea a wee twister meal when you a re proper burst though.

Gav said...

I agree, KFC is hangover heaven but that one is terrible! replace it with a burger king I say! just as good in the burst stakes!

Mick Forever said...

Burd I used to work with complained to there main office once cause they were having a towel fight in the back insteada of making the food she was waiting on. I thought it was only me that got the We've not chicken line. I think they just say that cause they cant be arsed.

Gav said...

Thats out of order! running about naked having a towel fight!