I remember it was the first day that I had moved out to start my second year of Uni the following week, we didn't have a TV yet so after various phone calls we went down to the local pub to watch the events unfold.
I remember thinking at the time I didn't really care. I watched the things fall down like I was watching a film and the horror, atrocity and significance passed me bye. what an idiot.
Obviously as time has went on, the full effect of what happened that day has struck me as all the documentaries, first hand accounts, footage and even recorded messages of people in the towers has been played on the TV.
Perhaps the most moving thing I have seen recently was a documentary about a tight rope walker who walked between them in the 70's.
No mention of the attacks all the years later but the stark contrast of something poignant and beautiful happening.
And yet I couldnt help thinking how funny it would have been if the planes had have hit as he was doing his walk.
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