Wednesday, 16 September 2009

Office Life.

This is an actual memo sent round the office this afternoon.


Should you drop a pen down the toilet, can you please retrieve yourself. Do not leave for the cleaners. If the toilet is blocked with tissue and not flushing can you please notify reception in order that it may be reported to the Building Manager

I found this pen related deviance so funny that I'm thinking of partaking in some of my own, a troll doll, a full packet of pens from the stationery cupboard, a laminated note that reads, "If you have found my pen please return to reception. Thanks!" Oh the possibilities.


Darth Carlsberg said...

Get a can of yon squirty cream but the chocolate variety then apply liberally in the style of toilet duck and all round the pan. For extra effect, get a wee dod on the wall and the ground.
Then leave the cubicle mumbling something or other about E coli.
That'll give them something to talk about.

Gav said...

I'm making it my mission to fuck the toilet up! not today tho, Today is all about my new phone!