Did anyone ever drink this on its own in a sober state?
I was out last night for a few hours and wasn't drinking. My mate is a professional boxer (Scottish light middle weight champion of the world) and this is what he drinks when he is out, so being the conformist that I am I thought that will do me! Plus for some reason it made me feel less of a fag.
Honestly I had 4 of them and was rattling, fucking going mental. Obviously not for mere mortals to drink one after the other!
And it costs more than a pint.
That is just plain daft, I worked with a guy who done that and was off work for 2 days because he couldn't move, Actually rooted to the floor! dum da dumdum dum!
We went out for a quiet drink and ended up drinking pints of vodka and red bull, we were still up at 6am-no drugs! seriously.
your hardcore eyliner! Cant beat a vody red bull sesh!
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