Here is just a small sample of some of the fucked up things I do.
1. Embellish stories of things that happen to me to make it sound more interesting.
2. Tell other peoples stories from my perspective thus making ME sound more interesting.
3. Buy food but dont eat it.
4. Buy clothes but never wear them.
5. Avoid any responsibility what-so-ever for my actions.
6. Deliberately annoy folk for my own amusement.
7. Pick random people in queues to hate while I'm waiting. Forming a pretty bad opinion of them with no information other than the way they look/are dressed.
8. Will literally sink to any low for a laugh.
9. Rarely care about anything/one other than myself.
10. Remain in at state of constant annoyance about people/places/things etc.
A good cleansing session does you the world of good fella.
Im all those things too.
Particularly No:7
Although, you forgot;
11. Never see a good vandalism
opportunity through
I thought a top 10 list with things I hate about myself would be good.
I keep forgetting bout your no 11 darth although I'm more destructive than anything else.
I also hate people that take too long to do wat they have to like at the ATM etc....
I couldnt be assed writing cash machine, so I'm Lazy too
Ohgosh, You ever come across those feckers that use one card and then put another one in? that makes ma blood boil!
I have made it my lifes mission (well, one of them) to never use a Nationwide ATM again as long as I live because quite frankly, I have neither the time nor the patience to wait for that amount of time for a machine to 'read my card'!
Worst machines EVER.
What are our feelings on the wans that charge you to use them? I have found myself in the predicament where I have had to and I hate myself!
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