That's me on gardening leave so I'm aff for a month.
What this suggests to me is that ma former company does not trust me as far as they could throw me so they decided not to take the chance and informed me by letter.
A quick trip to the office to pick up some personal shizz and say cheerio to the gals in the typing pool and its onwards and upwards. disappointing though as I didnt get to steal all I wanted!
I just found out what gardening leave was 2 weeks ago...
What is your job that they make you go on gardening leave?
Thats what happens when you work for MI5, Over in MI6 where I work We get gardening leave ano, usually when we've had to kill someone.
I work on corporate insurance and have access to all the client files etc. They dont trust me to work out my notice.
thats quite heavy. does that mean they wont give you a reference?
Its not that bad, I still get paid I'm just not allowed in the office. Ill still get a ref from them aye.
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