Meet my mate Chaz.
I thought I'd share a story with you about the lovable fella.
The day of the old firm game Charlie boy got a bit peckish and so decided to fuck off to Mickey D's for a big mac meal or some such processed garbage. During his 6th McNugget the slightly sozzled 21 year old (that's right 21) proceeded to shite himself.
The thing I admire the most is that this young man child calmly shuffled into the McWash cleaned himself up and left his manky scants on the cistern for the next fella (probably a child) to find.
Chaz now joins an elite band. those who have shat there self and carried on drinking without anyone knowing. Well done son, you broke yer cherry.
Otherwise known as a Mcshart or a Mcshite
a Mcshite with lies!
Is he naked in your house or his?
Thats mine man, take from that what you will
Am troubled by this.
This made me feel sick to the point i wanted to boke up my Bells steak pie and beans. Funny, but pretty much 100% of the reason I would never let ma weans walk into the male toilet....probably until they are 16.
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