Tuesday, 16 March 2010

St Paddy's

What's everyone doing for Paddy's day, If anything?

I'm working which is a bit of a gutter but will be nipping out at certain points to catch a pint or two as Im in the office the whole day. After 5 bells I'll be up to Molly Malones for a cheeky couple.

Here's to St Patrick who drove the snakes out of Ireland. Doubt he would do it today at over a pound a litre for petrol.

I know someone who will like this pic ...


Alanna said...

The bold St Patrick's day has pure snuck right up on me. I'm off for two whole weeks anaw but with a wee break planned next week..i'm pretty fucken skint. Aw ma mates are skint/working. Yet another St Paddy's day doing FUCK ALL. Brilliant. :(

Gav said...

I know, this during the week patter is shite eh? I usually take the day before and after off....getting to old and boring and cockish!

Mick Forever said...

I wont be doing a damn thing, cause am Scottish, so it means hee haw to me, Heres to all the plastic paddys!

Gav said...

Place will be heaving though...a good excuse if ever there was one...

Alanna said...

God, I am actually so skint the little plans I had made the night are totally f*cked because I don't even have the buttons for a taxi tae get fae A to B. Although, it's at times like these am glad I've not got a car. 118p for a litre of petrol? the f*ck is THAT all about? The world is fairly close to imploding I'm sure...so I'll take comfort that there are bigger things to worry about than no getting hammered on St Patrick's day.

wayupnorth said...

i had fitba training tonite but im having a sneaky can of tennants as i write this.

il defo go out this weekend and do it properly, its a good time to meet a young maiden.

wayupnorth said...

by the way, i just noticed its not blog on son anymore its whats in it for me!

i like it!

Monk de Wally de Honk said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Monk de Wally de Honk said...

Firstly, I personally think the story has been muddled up some where and instead of driving snakes out of Ireland mad St. Pat with his big fucking beard just went about the emerald isle getting his python out!!

Secondly, Ive drank so much Guinness today my skin has gone black and my hair has turned grey!

0hgosh said...

yeah I noticed the name change to.. and im thinking hmmm what is in this for you ?


re the pic.. omgzz ur sooo gay for Darth!!!

get you ya wee poof! ur sexual positions blog was obv just a smoke screen

Darth Carlsberg said...

Nice pic!!!

Ignore her. shes just jealous. x

Gav said...

I was on the beer for 2 days and rightly so.

Andy- Aye a changed it cause I was bored really, why not change it to the the most important question you'll ever ask.

Right Gosh, ya wind up merchant, Im only gonna say this once....Tits or GTF!!

0hgosh said...

hahahah yeah yeah coming out with manly comments ! we all know you got a crush on darth !!

but really gav to reply to your comment....

Whats in it for me?

( see what i did there guys yeah...)

ps u may soon see them in a pic!!

Gav said...

god, Andy boy is gonna love this...

Darth Carlsberg said...

tick followed tock followed tick followed tock follewd tick .......

wayupnorth said...

i was out there which is why im about 38 minutes late with this comment!

0hgosh il show you mine if you show me yours!

wayupnorth said...

i mean 31 minutes

0hgosh said...


ok did anyone read the metro this week? saw the pic of the fans wearing the scarfs?

question: are we all in on a friday?

wayupnorth said...

yes im in tonight ive got football in the morning, a quarter final no less!

tomorow night im hoping to goto town to celebrate st pads.

what do yous all do when yous are in like this?

i flick through all the blogs and i play modern warfare 2 and look at fitba forums anaw.

wayupnorth said...

by the way what is the fans wearing the scarfs all about? i think i did see that pic it was something to do with the scottish cup naw?

were you in the pic, goshster?

0hgosh said...

me.. well I watch internet and stuff look at underwear that i want

today my mum got a sexy underwear mag through the door, it had a porno in it to! hahahah how lol!

anyway ! the pic, well what it was about is the naked celidh!

im going to do it ! well im giong for an interview!

wayupnorth said...

ah! is this the job in wales then?

im going to wales in the summer my decendants are welsh hence my surname, williams!

Gav said...

hawd on a fuckin min! Your name is Andy Williams?

Monk de Wally de Honk said...

I just done a guinness shite....pure 100% tar man!

0hgosh said...

ohh we are ripping up yer blog!!

ewwwwwwwwww a guiness toalie

Monk de Wally de Honk said...

Leave Andy alone Gav boy......he's just a guy who likes to watch the girls go by!

wayupnorth said...

my name is andy williams!

im just too good to be true!

Gav said...

"I didnt think he was gonna do it but there it is moon river third encore"

Mick Forever said...

I really need to start paying more attention to the Blogs, I keep missing the pure mad banter sessions, We should have a system in place, so when ever somebodys blog has comment blitz on the go we can send out a signal to every cunt else to join in, Like use twitter "Mad session on the go at my place" (link) etc etc!

Gav said...

Maybe some sort of bat signal is in order Mick?

Darth Carlsberg said...

Is anyone a tech buff that may know how to sort oot a 'chat' style link / blog / banter / online / type of thing?

Hang on!! Ive an idea for next Friday!

wayupnorth said...

david allan fae my blog is a computer whizz, he built my site and he tells me he can read all our blogs via rss on his phone.

i dont know how but il ask him and report back ;-)

Gav said...

He was Irish