Thursday, 8 April 2010

Reverse The Fucking Charge

This is what eight and a half thousand pound mobile phones look like.
I seen this on a short stroll through Argyle Arcade the other day, I don't know what's so special about them? They aren't diamond encrusted, they aint made of gold! In fact they are kind of big and clunky looking, bordering on old fashioned by today's standards. Maybe there is a direct line to god programmed in to the bastards. God help the numpty that wastes money on one of those!


wayupnorth said...

8 and a half grand! i'd request mine to come with a full time bodyguard.
preferably a barb wire-esq pamela anderson ;-) said...

They will have some sort of special GPS Satelitte link that can detect you and give you connection anywhere in the planet. They tested ones like that on Gadget Show. Canny remember exactly but that was something like it .......

0hgosh said...

ha! you should see the ones in dubai!!! cost a fucking fortune!!

i dont see the point! i just want to txt and send dirty pics!!

for 8 grand i would want it to feed me and give me a bed for the night!

Mick Forever said...

Am pretty sure I've just made a cameo on your blog. If you look at the picture hard enough I appear like one of those magic eye pictures