Recent examples being slight of hand magic tricks for manual dexterity, teaching myself to play the guitar to the point where I could play Jose Gonzalez Heartbeats,the latter of which probably contributing allot to the break up of my relationship at the time(but that's a different post!) Learning to roll a coin across my fingers and doing pen spins, totally useless and time consuming!
I've decided to learn to write with my left hand,.Why? Cause I just fancied it. Something to concentrate on so from now on I will be doing most of my writing with my left hand.
So while in my own mind I will be thinking " ambidextrous genius" whoever's in receipt of my new found talent will be like " This dude is a retard, look at the state of this"
Here is my starting point http://handedness.org/action/leftwrite.html results will be posted.
Her loss man! She better no come running when she suddely needs a cunt who can play heartbeats at short notice!
Type it up with your left hand they wont notice.
Do you like that you will no flip reverse your wank hand aswell ? I mean that would be a skill worth learning !
anyone would think that you dont have a job Gav with the amount of pointless shit you have self taught yourself !
and really with the handwritting I mean you could totally be lame at it but award yourself a gold star just coz its you judging it !
omgz i sound a like a hater! learn something worthwhile Gav! like how to keep a burd!
im left handed. wired up the wrong way.
wank with my right hand tho. strange.
Gosh, I know how to keep the good wans, meaning the wan that puts up with my shite...
Andy, I only know one other guy who is left handed, I want to ask him what hand he wanks with now. I shouldn't be sitting at 11.17 on a Thursday night wondering what hand my mate wanks with, Thanks!
Well good luck with that then Gav !
infact as your such a pub expert !!
im going over west end during day on sat.. its girls day (gay)
where is good? im not the biggest fan of west end
Cannae really go wrong with Ashton lane Ohgosh.
yeah ashton lane or maybe somewhere like highland corner, the Islay bar etc
what?? highland corner? what are you talking about?
I dont really like ashton lane but will be going down there!
my other dilemaaaa eh eh
is slighty tarty or cute and nice ??
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