Wednesday, 12 May 2010

The Difference .....

Between the toilets in a gay bar and those in a hetro pub. The first two pics are the view one gets from the urinals in a gay bar I was in recently. As if my confidence wasn't bad enough.


wayupnorth said...

haha which gay bar was it?

i went to del monicas once with my gay friend and tried to pull her. didnt get her though.

Gav said...

It was the very same place Andy...bit mental. Av been in the Polo lounge before.

wayupnorth said...

it was a freaky night. i was young and id never seen open gayness before. it freaked me out.

apologies to anyone gay if gayness is an offensive term, i can't think of the right way to put it im sure theres a better way.

wayupnorth said...

you've probably got no gay followers gav, but i thought i would stick in an apology just in case.

Mick Forever said...

Right can we all just back up for a second! First off, When And why where you in there? And secondly Why wasn't I invited ya bitch! ;)

Gav said...

It was the other night, a work thing. Interesting place

wayupnorth said...

its the worst place to play a puggy! it was well wrigged man.

i bet the puggy company was like this "fuck them they are poofs, lets wrig the machine and get their money"

i put in a tenner and didnt even get on the board man.

Gav said...

I thought you meant cause your arse is exposed Andy...Back turned to them and all that

wayupnorth said...

i never bent down to collect any winnings, thats for sure!

i was certain it was rigged or if not then the person before me had rooked it with a double jackpot!

Mick: a pish in the ladies sounds like a plan and a half!

Darth Carlsberg said...

A work thing?
In a gay bar!!!!!

The mind boggles at your cosmopolitan european style.

Gav said...

I just go with the flow DC