Has anybody seen these wee things? Labour has really went all out in the campaigning stakes! Dressing up what is basically a mobility scooter, sticking a wee light on the top and getting some geezer to drive about on the pavement all day is pitiful!
Plus the dudes name is Anus...I mean Anas Sarwar.
Thats it, everybody vote for the rich asian guy! Aye his brothers in the jail for robbing 800.000 from his daddys Booze cash and carry company but vote for them anyway! Honest, lets get as many asians as possible into power thats exactly what this country needs!
Someone shoved an anas leaflet through my door much to my initial horror but eventual amusement.
Anas. Bwhahahahahahaha!
I got the same one through mine after someone chapping for about 10 mins, naturally it was ignored.
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