I'm sure you've noticed the predictive thing Google does with a search, probably based on the most popular searches within a certain period. You don't realise how sinister they are (or can get) until you fuck about for a while to see what each prompt will yield, now I'm sure that Google have cleaned this up recently but none the less.....
( Click to Enlarge )

The 'why is my' all apply to you.
Im surprised it didnt offer you:
"why is my good post office van parked out the back lane behind my house and why has it got a massive sheet of tarpolon taped over it"
That van has been there since before crimbo! whats the dealio yo?
It does my head in.
Dunno why, it just does!
Youd think someone at the post office might have noticed it was missing by now
Thats sounds really dodgy! I bet its been involved in a incident.
this is a great site.
Any site that gets tore into sex and the city is ok by me
it was a shite show right enough but i liked that kim catrall.
id crawl through the shawshank sewer just for one sniff of her pie.
From the mouth of the northman again!
Hey Pmackc
Thank for the plug at whyarewomensostupid.com. We have been busy with all the stupidity in the world. Feel free to post if you ever want to share.
Thanks whyarewomensostupid.com
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