That's me been doing this blog for a year. Weirdly I will be off to Berlin at the end of the month which is where I was last year when I decided to start it. I cant be bothered doing a year retrospective noting all the fantastic things I've done or more to the point failed to do. Its been pretty up and down.
I will though keep it up and try to post more interesting stuff maybe even deface another sign?Followers are few and far between these days other than the small blogging community I have become embroiled in.
Here's to another year of totally random shite.
Welcome to the rollercoaster of emotions that is blogging.
If you keep going you'll go mad.
If you dont do it you'll go mad.
Thems the breaks.
Keep up the good work fella.
I for one enjoy reading your gumph.
That only a year? Feels like longer, I must be coming up for a year soon ano then.
i thought you and mick had been on the go much longer. yous are only 2 months ahead of me.
i feel a wee bit like blogging is so 2007, like its past its peak now that twitter has exploded. its a wee bit frustrating that i didnt start a bit sooner.
still it is enjoyable and i like this friendly wee community.
i found darths site on limmys site. the star wars theme hooked me cos im a big fan and its a good blog anaw.
i think limmy was my main inspiration, although its went quiet as fuck lately.
id like to do comedy but not make a pure dick of myself, doesnt seem possible though :-0
dont analyse it so much.
Just do it.
I wrote absolute and utter pish for years that nobody ever read (some things never change) and when I look back at it, despite cringing, Im fucking glad I did.
Its good to get things off yer chest or get your stupid thoughts out there. Even if its only for your benefit, it benefits all the same.
Long live the blog!
I stared Blogging on myspace in 2006 but wasn't till last year I got a proper Blog. Darths right! I sometimes moan about comments, But its pure annoying when 70 odd people look at your blog in a day and only 2 cunts leave comments. People really respond to the weirdest shit, Usually homosexuality brings out the comments in people.
i am the truth, the light
and the way!
keep it happening.
Actually that you read it is the truth the light and the way as opposed to I am.
I am - That sounds pure wanky!
I to started on myspace and had an awright wee following on there...
I hate limmy
well done Gav I like your blog.
Ogosh, You seemed to have taken a right disliking to Limmy way before everybody else, Whats your reason? I just think, He had it then lost it. and then Started getting abit out of order with the way he speaks to people.
Ive never like the clown!
I dont think he is funny at all !
I think it really started when Mr Yum started on about how had a wee drink with him etc and thats when I was like aggghhh I hate him !
coz mr yum liked him I hated him more ahhahaha
pathetic ! i know but relaly I dont find him funny at all !! when I saw him at the burnistoun thing I thought ha! now you get to see some really funny stuff mate !
the end
omg scathing comments about the bold Limmy haha. I started blogging because of him as well. It was about 2 years ago my cousin showed me his site and I thought a lot of it was pretty funny. I thought the idea of blogging was gay until I actually got into reading other people's blogs and then I thought I would try it for myself. I enjoy it and I enjoy the wee blogging group I read. I got on the wrong side of Limmy somehow and ended up getting pure banned fae his blog and his misses even blocked me on twitter anaw. a bit strange but there we are. Well done on your year blogging Gav. Here's to more. Ta.
Aye I've heard he's done that to a few people, What did you do? He banned the bold keenan fae twitter for no reason.
A never done anything haha. Wan of the guys on there took a heavy dislike to me for some reason. So a wiz getting it heavy tight aff him and other people thought it was outta order. I like a good bit of online banter I wisney taking it serious or anything. But apparently the bold yin was dead uncomfortable that other people were saying that I was getting 'bullied' (naw) oan his blog so he asked me no to come back. Me and his burd had differing views about the whole Jonathan Ross/Russell Brand/Georgina Baillie debacle. She said I must no be a 'feminist' but I informed her that it was because I was a feminist I didny agree with a wee boot ruining cunts careers to boost her ain career. It was like reverse kiss and tell. Anyway, she took the hump I think and the next thing I was banned fae the blog and blocked fae twitter. A bit nuts to be honest with you. I was annoyed because I enjoyed shooting the shit oan that blog but I jist wisney allowed back. I feel like I cut my teeth though, I had never done the whole internet/blog commenting thing before so I learned a lot of do's and donts etc. It was an education at least. I learned no to be too nice because people just think you are a nutjob (im no). I made some nice friends off it though so....there we are.
i agree with Mick, he had it and lost it.
The world of glasgow was brilliant and the pilot good, but that series was a big let down and i doubt he'l get another. I predict he will go into politics.
Aye, He just comes across as abit of a wank, I dont know how to take him sometimes. I havent been near his blog in ages and I've unfollowed him a couple of time on twitter, but I go back, because I get bored.
by the way yous are missing a great topic on alanna's blog about anal sex.
Another run away post.
Cheers for the good comments guys, no am off to Alanna's blog to see if this anal sex is all its cracked up to be.
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