The NBA Lakers/Celtics rivalry is one that always captured my imagination so much so that I stayed up to five this morning to watch it come to its conclusion and see the Lakers win the play-off to become champions.(gutted I stayed up to fucking watch it now)
The rivalry they had going in the 80's was brilliant, the two best and most successful teams in the country with the two best players, east v west, black v white, Bird v Magic, Cancer v Aids.
Anyway folks give me some great rivalries sporting or otherwise we can check out.
PS Andy, Tits v Fanny doesn't count.
tits v fanny is no competition.
tits v arse on the other hand?
il give you the uber sporting rivalry...
Israel v Germany
Whats the history?
Boca V River plate
they've never played each other at fitba but maybe at other sports.
im thinking that germany trying to wipe them the face off the earth might put a dampner on any bit of sport between them.
it would be a great game to watch though.
Germany V Holland
Germany V England
Germany V Poland
Germany V Russia
Poland V Russia
England V Anybody
See the L.A lakers fans wrecked the place after the game...And they won!
Mick Says....
Aye I read that! the must be more rivalries than football
White People V Black People.
The red car and the blue car from the milky way advert.
ha ha....
Millie v vanillie
I stayed up to watch the lakers/celtics game too.
This is that barmaid you always hassle btw.
I hassle a lot of barmaids but I do have my favourites! good too see you on, not been about for a while?
I've been getting one shift a week recently, usually a week night so that's why! I'm aff tae Cuba in a fortnight for all of July :D
Ahh Cuba...Fair play to ye shorty, you'll have a blast. Not that ive been or anything but I would imagine you would. Hopefully I'll catch ye before you go and I'll buy you a white Russian x
Cats and dogs.
Man that gripe goes way back.
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