Let my tell you why we are all losers in this world cup. Never mind the poor football, the failure of the European teams to get started, the constant drone of the ragman's trumpet. All that pales into insignificance (well maybe not the poor football but bare with me) when you realise what the true cause of the misery surrounding this tournament is.
There is a sporting coverage promised land, a wonderful place where Andy Grey, Martin Tyler, Geoff Stelling, Jamie Redknapp, some others who are not bad and Paul Merson all come out to play. None of these guys are particularly special and I wouldn't really be writing this if guys like Clive Tyldesley, Peter Drury, Jonathan Pearce and Guy Mowbray never existed.
Terrestrial TV has highlighted just how terrible the commentary or the lack there of has been!
Let me focus if I may on the emperor of verbal excrement, Clive Tyldesley. Awful awful awful. His constant nasal whine that grates on my nerves more so than the Fuzzy Zoeller's that have been set as the Phil Spector style wall of sound backdrop to this tournament. borderline racism and inability to get anything right, the most recent example being missing Luis Fabiano's double hand ball against the Ivory Coast until the third replay? This makes me question his neutrality, his eyesight, where he is situated in the stadium and if his monitors are maybe made from wood and mud. The man surly has to be eradicated, but how? He seems to be like a Man Utd loving cockroach that just wont go away. He is the worst at least but Jonathan "I knew Bobby Moore" Pearce is running him a close second in this tournament anyway.
I could go on and on about these abortions of men that are allowed to commentate and summarise on the culmination of 4 years of blood sweat tears, anticipation, excitement and elation. At the end of the day, its poor. The contollers of the programming and licence fees etc have let us down.
God, gone are the days of Barry Davis, Brian Moore and even John Motson, a breed that died out a long time ago and in doing so took with them the voice of the world cup.
Its Horrible, They have ruined the World Cup!
Just me and you here Gav, We're the last ones left. Turn the lights aff when you leave.
seems like it man
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