Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Guinbo Madness

This is my new toy from Guinness. As like most people of Irish descent I enjoy a pint of this disgusting shite from time to time and as everybody knows "It just doesnt taste the same over her" Until now! Check this bad boy out. No longer must I wait till I visit Ireland for a good pint. Its the future.....Just watch the wee vid.


andy said...

how much does it cost and does it make it as good as a pint from ireland?
how is it that it is so good there and so shite here?

Gav said...

I got it for free man, its for pubs that dont have Guinness on draught. The pint isnt as good as Ireland and to be honest I dont know the reason!?

The wee thing is cool as fuck tho.

Gav said...

Its the best thing ever

Darth Carlsberg said...

Do I hear police sirens when you activate it or am I still fucked from the weekend?

Gav said...

you do DC, I think they were on route to yours cause they heard about your "stash"

0hgosh said...


alanna said...

where can i buy one? wht is it called? i want one so much im pyoor moist! ta.