Firstly as the author of this post I feel I need to clarify a few things.
I was raised a catholic but am now lapsed from the faith for the most part, the only time I would attend mass would be at weddings or christenings etc.
I generally believe in god or a spiritual being and try to live my life based on Christian values. Although I disagree with many aspects of the Catholic church and am often frustrated by many of the views, I still respect the church as I know its teachings and purpose.
The Papal visit has opened my eyes to a few things. In the multi-cultural society that we live in the UK would have you believe that tolerance of race and religion is prevalent on it's shores, It is actually as far behind as it's ever been with the great out pouring of anti-catholic feeling and protest by the majority of its people.
The embarrassing outpouring has manifested mainly on the Internet with both celebrities and the masses confessing their hatred for the catholic faith, Catholics themselves and the spiritual leader of the largest faith in the world, The Pope.
I personally wasn't bothered about this state visit and wasn't in a hurry to make a pilgrimage and while the church's stance on gays and obviously the abuse scandals saddens me, I feel this is a thinly veiled mask for the majority of protesters that could not care less about these issues but would rather use it as a platform for bigotry, sectarianism and hatred. The same goes for the "D Listers" that while sharing the same disinterest in the actual issues facing the church have jumped on the band wagon too show that they have feelings, morals and are not fame hungry. I'm sure the signature of author Philip Pullman along with 54 other "public figures" are enough to keep someone somewhere out of the country but maybe not The Pope.
It's made me wonder about another "front man" for a region steeped in controversy supposedly responsible for numerous deaths, the embezzlement of millions and currently in conflict with millions for being accused of preying on the weak and venerable.
I am of course talking about Scientologist Tom Cruise. This man is allowed to pass freely between ports without a hint of a protest yet has been confirmed as "second in command" in this so called evil religion founded by a science fiction writer and suspected paedophile L. Ron. Hubbard. I guess that peoples perception of religion is slightly skewed and that if you are told something is bad and you should be against it then you will be and pass that hatred on and on and on and on... but if Maverick from Top Gun tells you everything is OK then it must be.
1 comment:
name names gav, apart fae tom cruise who are the culprits?
rev ian paisley?
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