Thursday, 2 September 2010

Vague Hague

That's Foreign Secretary and former leader of the Conservative Party William Hague had to release a statement confirming that he's not a bender and neither is his campaign aide, Quentin Crisp (pictured above).

It reminds me of little Britain when the David Walliams philandering politician character is stood at the gate of his house with his family explaining how he was "offering a young man a lift when he fell and accidentally penetrated him"

Who the fuck would care if the dude was gay. Really? ...well other than his wife who I would think would have a fair idea if he was or not anyway.

Shared a room together whilst away on business? Makes sense.
Up all night watching Sex and The City? Batter in.
Indulging in a bit of docking, feltching and drilling into the wee hours? wait wat??.

I must say the media done the dude no favours in the pictures the put up. The man himself and his aide frolicking about in tight wee T-shirts and Hage wearing a skip cap that you would expect some sort of faggot to wear.

Anywhoo gay or not, he's still a fud.


Stillie said...

This post has an almost Mick-esque ranting lunatic quality to it!

Gav said...

I've already seen your night and noticed him there is also a bez in there eh?

The last time I seen you was through my Window on your bike, I cant mind seeing you since!? Ive always got time for a bit of dark side banter...we'll need to get a pint arranged soon man, in a boozer of your choice naturally :)

Darth Carlsberg said...

What about that Delmonicas?
You seem to enjoy yourself in there.

Gav said...

Bit out of the way, besides I'll be heading for a prolapse at this rate.

*shakes his head in disgust with himself*