He should be a Blue Peter presenter! that's what he looks like/sounds like and probably failed to be.
His banter is shite, one eye is doing the dishes and the other is shaving his pits and none of the other panelists laugh at him!...why is he there?...the young cool demographic??
He is neither!
Cunt! total Cunt!
He looks abit like Gareth out the office in this pic.
Its his mad west country accent that annoys me, He should be on casualty.
Still has some way to go to OUTCUNT the CUNT that is Phil Jupitus
am not a big fan of him either, Bill Bailey's one man fan club.
him and the baldy guy are the weakest on that show.
The boy that was in the Mary Whitehouse experience does my box in at the stand up round where he always says something relatively unfunny then tries to force a laff by over staying his time at the mic. Fanny.
As for the black woman that comes on occassionally just to piss herself laffing at everyone else,
she is awful.
Aye staright out of Brixton, dosnt really know what she's doing, uses the whole am fat and black thing alot! her?
Well if you cant laugh at a fat black person who can you laugh at?
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