Just had an interview for a new job there.
I was only gonna post about it if I got it, like posting before I got it would somehow hex the whole thing? kinda like telling people your pregnant before 3 months!?
It started off terribly! I was meant to do a power point presentation but the presonal e-mail I had sent the thing to was blocked on their server so the worst possible start was on the cards! I was contemplating doing a quick vaudeville number to fill the gap and possibly take the edge off the whole situation.
When we had decided that this was nobodys fault and settled dowm to let the mauling begin I was actually in a fair amount of turmoil! as the good cop bad cop duo barking "what would you do" and "how would you hanldle" questions at me were the DOUBLE..and I mean DOUBLE of Michael Keaton and Michael Chiklis(dude from the shield)
So am getting down with all these mad mental questions and anytime I look up ave got fucking Batman and Ben Grim sitting with note pads. how am I meant to concentrate with that shit going on? Impossible!
I was still thinking of the bad start halfway through, it started to get better and finished up ok, I even got a pretty big laugh towards the end....even though what I said wasnt that funny but I took it...by god I took it! I did nail one of the questions towards the end and beetlejuice said "good golf shot"...bit weird I thought.
In all honesty I dont know how I got on, I may just have to sleep my way to the top after all!
I'll keep y'all informed, not that anyone reads this or could give a fonkeys muck!!!...I need a pint!
Was the big laugh at the end when you called the guy detective scrotes?
naw, Jack frost said "so there is your car keys, what else can we give you"
....and I said ..."a desk"
...........ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Why did Carter Hayes have your car keys?
cause he thought a was pumping Melanie Griffith
He thought right then didn't he?
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