Well here we are again with another insightful foray in to the world of city centre bars that you never though you would set foot in being the hip, young and indeed trendy things that you are.
They’re here they’re queer and The Grant Arms is no exception.
This wee out of place boozer is situated on the corner of Argyle Street directly across from where the once mighty Tower Records thrived and fell. Distinctive for is almost Tudor-like appearance and if I’m not mistaken its reputation for being one of the rougher shops in the town.
On entering the one thing that strikes you is the bowling club-esque décor complete with the kind of tables you get in a primary school cafeteria and a bar that is the right length and height to slam a shutter down if need be.
The menu looks quite good, although a 6oz rib eye steak costing £3.30 (with chips or potatoes) and the pepper sauce (which lets face it you need!!!) costing a further £1.20??
The place was as you’d expect full of auld people in for a swift half and a half, two old ones in particular you could tell had been married for about 60 years cause they didn’t face each other once or say a single word the whole time they were in!
Staff wise, we were fine and got a warm welcome the second time around once the barman realised that the 2 guys in the suits with the folders weren’t bailiffs or in there in any way to cause trouble!
So not to shabby, the atmosphere wasn’t as good and the place was a bit cold but handy for a quick pint and a relatively cheap bite.
Gav/Sharks Rating 6/10.
The People want indoor city-centre pub photies!
a know man the camera I have at the moment is shite, next review will have them
I've always wondered about that place, I've always wanted to go in there, but never.
you should review that pub that is next to somerfield, across fae mcsorleys, I once saw a guy leave his wheelchair bound wife in the middle of the road and go in there. Funniest thing ive ever seen.
Is that the Imperial Bar? that the one that only has a guys toilet?
The very one. There is also mmmmm Denhalms next to the solid rock, Old guy tried to sell me a dress in there, A dress!
That building does not look like it should be in Glasgow does it?
The more I look at it, the more I want to go and check that it does actually look like that!
And to get a jug of pepper sauce.
I think I'm barred from here
Used to go in with my brother, mum and stepdad all the time when we were in town for the day. No idea why. Think it's just as you say, cheap wee drink and something to eat. I think compared to 4 McDonalds back in the day, this was pretty good value etc and they could get a smoke. I always liked it. I even took a mate in and we had lunch (that steak) and it was fair enough aye. I'd go in again, aye, a would....that end of the toon has shit pubs full of poser arseholes or goths or neds...
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