You’ve just pawned all your worldly goods for £63.45 in Cash Converters on Renfield Street in Glasgow’s bustling city centre. Drug habits have to be paid for somehow but, what’s this nestled right by the bus that will take me back to my now empty flat? It would be rude not to with my new found wealth!
The Renfield Bar on Renfield Street (surprisingly). Where? What?.. I know, I know, but trust me, it's there, and has been for some years, apparently going under the guise of Cecil’s and Wypers back in the days when there were trams in the city, Scottish football was good and darth was at an age where he could still keep up with us young fella’s (sorry lad). Wait a minute, Cecil’s?? Not a chance that craic would fly in this day and age!
I’ll keep this brief cause the reviews of these places are all going the same way! The first thing that hits you as you walk in the door is that stale pub smell, or Jimmy in the corner as we call it in the trade, pretty strong but fades within minutes, the beer would be irkingly no cheaper than you would get in Edwards down the road, a place I would be seen dead in, but worth the pennies for the novelty and autonomy! The pub is homely enough and interestingly has a booth like area adjacent to the bar complete with hatch for serving. I believe this was common place in many Glasgow bars back in the early 20th century, so even though the décor may have changed (although not likely) the lay out of the place has probably been status quo for longer than your mammy's had eyes!!
Food served, although not sampled, TV’s everywhere and most importantly a non threatening atmosphere for a Friday afternoon pint.
The only eyebrow raising moment was while Sharks and my good self were pondering the likelihood of Einstein’s worm hole theory and indeed questioning our very own existence…and oh weather Peter Barlow will get off the beer or if Darius actually IS an Operastar, a figure entered in what can only be best described as eyegoresque from Young Frankenstein, charged past us and straight into the lavatory (possibly laboratory), I think he was muttering “Beware The Ides of March” ….strange.
Anyway, unfortunately marks off for the smell and the barmaid eating a sandwich AND a soup whilst serving me and not quite getting round to seeing Sharks alright for his 4th pint due to her 'Diet Smoke Break', but wouldn't hold it against the establishment for one individuals hasty treatment of 'blow ins'. However.........
Gav/Sharks rating 5/10
Congratulations! You are now a proud member of the club that dared venture into the Renfield Bar. Am a member myself and it a badge I wear with pride. It's the second shitest pub I've ever been in, the proud honour of that goes to the black bull on the high street. Get yir arse down there for the 65 ml measures of vodka.
Haw you!
I can still keep up.
sometimes : (
Grub no good where you are?
Here what happened to the blog you had? I used to read it when you linked it to Limmys blog a while back presumably when you were pale and miserable!
Och, foods awright but theres no much variety when it comes to saturated fats.
I don't do the blog any more coz I prefer cruising about commenting on other cunts blogs. I was making the wee videos an that, but when you're making them, you never actually know if they're that funny or no. You just get to thinking about them too much then it bugs ye, and its no even fun.
Would love to do a spoof of Gazzetta Football Italia out here though! Down the beach with a cuppaccino and a copy of Marca! Felicitations!
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