That's me been ordained a reverend through the "Universal Life Church Monastery" I came back from lunch to find this on my desk after lunch. I'm actually quite chuffed,I can now perform weddings in my spare time and fuck all the young boys I want. Two birds, one stone ...boom!
haha! thats like what joey did in friends so he could marry chandler and monica. how do you go about it gav?
It wasn't even me that done it! it was sitting for me when I got back from my break, I think if ye go on to the web site you can sign up pretty handy
I used to order 'He to She' catalogues for my mate at his home address without his knowledge.
I used to laugh and laugh when I thought of his wee face frantically protesting his innocence to his wife.
So now you are officially a man of the cloth, whats the first thing on yer radar father?
First thing I will be doing is checking out all the perks of this job and get everything thats coming to Rev Gav.
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