Did anyone know this place existed? I didn’t! Until about a year ago when they started advertising on Buchannan Street with the wee pointy arrows propped up by half conscious students directed down a dark lane that’s tied in with some sort of wee daft market that I doubt anyone has ever bought anything out of! Turns out it’s the oldest pub in Glasgow!?
Anyway, I thought a break from the norm this week would be good as the old mans pubs of this world were getting to me big time! And what a world of a difference it was!
Lovely wee place with a well stocked bar (no magners though) and friendly staff. This place seems to cater out of the ordinary also in a Grovner fashion as they show classic films with an option of a meal or a bottle of wine etc at the weekend in “the Ball Room” above.
Price wise they were off the mark as 3 drinks we ordered came to a total of £10.60 but I suppose you pay that bit extra for a nice setting and the smell of decent food as opposed to the constant threat of a knifing and the smell of sulphur mixed with stale beer.
No funny incidents to speak of other than one of the bar staff looking like Emo Phillips and finding out my unemployed mate who joined us can’t miss an episode of Jamie and his magic torch and doesn’t quite fully understand the rules to Jasper Carrot’s “Golden Balls”
This is a place I actually would recommend and will be frequenting again!
Gav/Sharks rating……7/10 (marked down only for the price in this recession)
I'm making a comment seeing the fuckin Glasgow Blog scene is on its arse at the moment.
I've been in there once before - its good, by all means, but theres better drink + lunch experiences in the City Centre on the whole.
7 is about right.
Mon the Blogs.
I need to try this place out.
On its arse content wise or commenting activity wise or both?
My contents always shite in fairness!
Nevermind Stillie.
Hes just off on one at the moment.
I think its his rollover week!
He'll come back round.
Stop moaning Stillie!
I too only discovered that place within the last year.
Its no bad though.
Id be interested to see its Saturday night clientel all the same.
Thats what we were saying DC, a wee sat afternoon might be in order!
What you doin for ze game on Sunday ma man?
Och, I'm just part of the new generation that believes the internet OWES us free entertainment.
The blogs are good, but the comments are not forthcoming these days, like they were in 09.
I am oot on Saturday nicht and being an elder Im plnning to wake up in front of the TV on Sunday just in time for kick off.
If Im on the couch it will be a bonus but Im fully expecting the floor.
I predict a red card rammy as weve not had one of them in ages and what with all the farsical build up this week including Celtics cleverly timed paranoia, goalies getting a kicking, Rangers planned minute silence etc etc
I think it will be nothing short of a riot on Sunday with ultimately no winner.
Like War games.
Matthew Broderick was the only winner on that front mate.
Good man, there's nothing better than watching a game from yer very own bed with a bacon butty and a cheeky cupa!...unless yer at it ;-)
Son, im glad to have finally met the legend. May i say, your ten times more the man in the flesh than yon avatar does justice for.
Hope the rest of yer weekend was mighty. Typically, in the scenario of that long awaited 'meeting someone for the first time' I was looking like a fucking 3 day old binbag
Thems the breaks.
one love fella,
i didnt know about this gaff til last summer and it was a friend from belfast that showed me it. nice wee place and a decent bit of scoff was had.
Is he tall dark and handsome darth??
Omgzzzz you took the step and met a bloggerrrr omgzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Mate, as expected it was a fooking pleasure to chat with yerself, If it was any other day I would have dragged ye in for a quick pint!
Ohgosh, we live next to each other, it wasnt arranged like some kind of mad on-line dating thing, Theres me standing on Pollockshaws Road with a red neckerchief and up bods darth carring a single carnation.......That would have been better actually.
awww that kinda spoils it now !
is darth a handsome bastard?
awww that kinda spoils it now !
is darth a handsome bastard?
I'll answer that one for you-
And definitely not on this occasion
ogosh, he is indeed a good lookin dude, a rugged yet stylish look, pulling off a cracking steely hair do. Handsome\streetwise with bags of confidence. That about right dc??
I dont think that was me you were talking to!
Bags of wine and looking like a total jake ball.
Thats more like it I think.
no at all, a picture of healthiness. you should see me burst! then you'd know
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