Monday, 29 March 2010

Another 10 Things That Do My Nut In.

Religion, cause it sucks.

The new Batman films. There I said it.
Michelle McManus.
Things I used to think were funny but are clearly not.
This fucking diddy ride.
Chinese folk.
Bus drivers. (look what he did to my car)
Idiots that get on TV.
Motivational Posters. They got old about 2 years ago.
Britney Fuckin Spears


Mick Forever said...

Have I seen this before? I get the distict impression I have seen this Blog before? Have you done this blog before? or am I having a stroke, Like the medical stroke, Not a wank stroke.

Gav said...

I have done a few 10 things posts, usually bout things that annoy me! Not this exact one and not with funny wee pics

Mick Forever said...

I am having some sort of weird freak out then or one hellava Jeja Vu!

0hgosh said...

Oh those pics were meant to be funny?

lol im just joking !!

I couldnt see what the bus driver did done to your car... and why you hate chinese peopole? i love them!!!

I dont like the diddy he is a total wank! i hate his pube like hair.. bokeeee its like u could floss with fuckers!

oh and gav... well done for doing a new post !!!!

I hate smells... this hotel had a horrible smell in its dinning room and it made eating a yoghurt very hard for me and then i hate boiled egg and the yolk was a bit runny and then i just thought omgz this is a fetus and couldnt eat it .. bookeeeeeeeee

could be worse, it could be snowing

Gav said...

I know its a poor post.

It was annoying doing it, it was a nightmate to post more than 1 pic and put a caption beside it!! In the end I just thought fuck it!

The Bus driver fucked up my front wing and bumper!!!

Mick Forever said...

Heres a wee idea for you Gav, Join wordpress, It is seriously so much better! DAE IT!

Gav said...

I think I'll stick it out with this..

Mick Forever said...

To be fair Gavs not a proper Blogger (A WEE BIT OF REVERSE PSYCHOLOGY SHOULD DO THE TRICK)

What the fuck is your problems with the batman fims? Sure Begins is a bit iffy in places but TDK is flawless!

Gav said...

Not having it.

Darth Carlsberg said...

right behind ya wee fella.
I LOATHE that diddy ride!