Tuesday, 2 March 2010

The Yorkshire Rapper

That's the Yorkshire Ripper pushing for a release again, this time taking it to the court of human rights.

It just makes me wonder if ITV2 will get in about him for a "What Pete did next" type program or maybe a relaunch as the "Yorkshire Rapper" re-releasing "Return of The Mack" by the fabled Mark Morrison maybe coupled with the double A side "Mack the Knife".

Anyway here is the man himself when Jim fixed it for him to meet fellow mad man and indeed woman hater Frank Bruno.


0hgosh said...

im confussed :(

wayupnorth said...

haha jim'll fix it for you, and you and you and you!

Pmackc said...

(quick google search)Okay, its true.
Someone who has killed 13 people should be dead, not applying for release from prison. Imagine seeing him walk into the pub near closing time when you were just about to leave on your own. Mental.

Pmackc said...

he looks like a bee jee thats been kept in for a few years, I think I mean the dead one.

Darth Carlsberg said...

He looks like junior Pavarotti.

Darth Carlsberg said...

It looks like Sir Jimmy of Sevilla is saying "Hows about that then.I'd like a nice clean fight. AWhahahahahahahahahw!"

Gav said...

Its one of those mad crazy pics that I cant stop looking at in total wonderment at whats going on.....A caption competition should have been in order....

Mick Forever said...

That picture has actually broke my mind, Under what fucking insane circumstances brought these 3 men together.

Dear Jim,

I currently dont get out much, But I've always wanted to meet that Black Boxer guy thats mates with Harry Frank Bruno, Any chance you could fix it for me?

Lots of love
